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The best and most affordable quilting ruler you ‘ll ever need

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SKU: NVP-MLR Category:


Nelly’s Multitask Quilting Ruler is 10″ long, about 4″ wide and 1/4″ thick. It is made from clear, transparent lime-green acrylic. It has 1/4″ notches on the long ends that are of great help when stitching in the ditch.

This ruler features alternate solid and broken lines every 1/4″.  These markings are very helpful when stitching parallel lines. Use the 45-degree lines  when stitching diagonals and the curved edge when stitching feather spines and other gentle curves.

Use a permanent marker to place additional temporary registration marks. These markings can easily be removed with paper towel and alcohol.

The best ruler to have for longarm quilting.
