A landscape quilt translated my love of nature into a passion for quilting. Over the years, I have developed techniques and methods for turning ideas into landscape quilts. Class will start with a small trunk show of landscape quilts, and then we will move onto exploring one of the techniques. You will use your own picture to create your work of art. Saturday and Sunday, February 10 & 11, 2018, 9:30 to 4:30
If you can stitch an accurate one-quarter seam, you will quickly master Nelly’s easy process for perfect curves while designing and constructing this dramatic wall quilt. If you look closely, you will discover just how what starts as a square finds its way into blocks – and imagine how much fun you will have arranging your own series. Kit fee of $34 includes a collection of necessary tools and templates payable to instructor in class.
Thursday, February 15th, 2018. 9:30 to 12:30

Caught somewhere between the traditional pinwheel and a tessellating motif, these dynamic windmill blocks come together as if by magic! Fun and easy to make, they start as a pattern printed on freezer paper, and end up as a stunning bed/table runner, square wall hanging or full-size quilt. Learn the clever magic as you create yours: it is all about angles and movement. Your quarter-inch seams just happen, because the paper is there to guide you. The biggest lesson is about cutting, with easy, practical advice for accuracy and safety.
Thursday, February 15th, 2018. 1:30 to 4:30 Class Fee $45.00. Kit Fee $15.00 To register follow this link Sign up for TESSA